Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reactions to Joseph's diagnosis

ADHD is a controversial subject, to be sure, but I have been surprised at the strong feelings it has stimulated regarding Joseph.
Funny-- we haven't decided yet whether or not he needs medicine, but we are already in the doghouse on that subject.  There are folks who feel it is abusive to do it under any circumstances, and if there was a scarlet letter, we would already be wearing it.  
I am sympathetic to their feelings, though, because I've had similar feelings in the past.  You can't help but ask a parent (silently to yourself) if they are just having a tough time dealing with a highly energetic kid.  And that is a valid concern, because giving medicine to someone who is too young to choose it is a big deal.
Joseph is highly energetic.  He is also very intelligent.  However, he is four years old now, but still can't ride a tricycle.  He has trouble enunciating words, and still can't totally dress himself.  He has other developmental delays as well, but that would make a really boring post!  If we decide to medicate him, it won't be because we think he's annoying, but because we love him.
It has been, and always will be, about him and his opportunities. 


Jodi said...

Lisa, I wish you, Joel, and Joseph the best of luck. Like you said ADHD is a heated topic, which is really too bad because judgment from others doesn't make your decision any easier.

The Clarks said...

I love that you brought up Julie and the cheese! LOL. I will ALWAYS remember that!!
Hang in there with Joseph! I'm sure it'll all work out whatever you decide to do!